-Monday, March 31, 2008
Here is the few pic i go shop around buying some clothes on sunday. Also too lazy to upload more pic liao.... no mood to update today.
Today off day, later go cut hair liao. Drifted off
-=][ Island closest to hell][=-

Footprints left @
1:35 PM
Jason wedding day. Go there lame ard.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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2:42 AM
-Saturday, March 29, 2008
Today didnt went to branch, but go to training instead. Saw past of my few training mates last time. Talk cock with them. The trainer told us to design a poster about DBS and need to present in the whole class... and told us to think of a group name. I suggested "Enchanted Affinity" and the trainer told me to explain what is dat cause our group name is the most mysterious and mystical.
1 guy and me had to present the poster design to the whole class. We were talking cock and bull. Everyone laughs. We had the liudest appludes. It been such a LONG LOOONNNGGG time since everyone appludes me, will remember that too.
2nd half of the training was bored. About anti money luandering etc etc. Drifted off to slp again as usual. lolx. In my heart just quickly end this damn lesson and go home.
5pm finished training. Go to Vivo meet BB and ZW and huier. We went to shop around. I bought one vest from Zaru and a small tie from top shop. ZW bought one vest from Zaru too. BB wanted a jacket or blazer , help her to shop around in Zaru woman department and tried different dozen of jacket, i even tried some of it on. Woman blazer cutting is suitbale for me too! Looks nice when i tried it on. Lol.. i too metro sexual liao...
After that we went to cini food court eat dinner, eat halfway, liang and seng appear liao... talk rubbish with the rest of the group. At 1130pm, We proceed to sees movie call " Jiang Shan Mei Niu" About a war and love story. An average show only.
Went home ard 2 and drifted off to slp again
-=][ Island closest to hell][=-
With Vest
With ZW CAm whoring in Zaru
BB and me in black blzaers
Our group "Enchanted Affinity" design Posters
Footprints left @
3:14 PM
-Friday, March 28, 2008
Today was kinda unlucky... First of all, i realise i forgotton my name tag when i arrive at work, so i went home and take my name tag!!!! Then today most of the transauction by customer wad hard and tedious and some more today is a coin day... hiaz. Like MAD.
Had ANOTHER meeting again about sales target.. meeting till got 2 staff which is auntie like almost argue wanna fight. Scene was so funny. LOLX.
Went home eat dinner, meet liang, godmum, apple, a new guy promoter in courts, and oskely promter. Slack outside century square bubble tea shop and sing song again. -;-"
Went home ard 12. Tml will be heading down to tanjong pagar again for training.. sianz.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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1:11 AM
-Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Today branch was a busy day... some more it is a coin day where customer deposits coins making us more tedious and tired.
Went back home ard 7 and meet my God sis Ai Fang to celebrate her bday. Its time to treat her as i already own her 2 treats liao!!! lolx. Cam whore with her for a bit again as usual.... lolx.
Went to Tiong Baru to find BB and liang. They are celebrating ZW bday. We shoot a video clip togther.. but i am the camera man... lolx...
Went back home ard 1 and drifted off to sleep again......
Today i handle my own cash till as they were short handed. Able to balance my own cash at the end of the day. Got 1 customer give me 20 pieces 1k notes which is equal to 20k to exchange for loose notes for 50 SGD. Had to give him 400 pieces of 50 dollars bills!!! Tired.
Had a light meeting at the brach. Meeting was about customer service etc etc. We had our palm smeared with paint and press againist it on the plastic paper... everyone of us do it and we took a staff photo. !st time taking photos with them. Everyone had so much fun.
Went home ard NOW... maybe later going to meet my godsis go IKEA shop ard. And liang maybe going together with us.
Tomorrow will be a better day ba.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

Candid shot
Bu Xiang Zhang Da

Life is compared to a voyage

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8:33 PM
-Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Went to work as usual.... I be having my own cash till. Stress... I manager my own cash from now on.... accountable for my own cash. Although got 1 mentor sits beside me, the stress is building up for me... sianz.
Help the manager to do some computer editing stuffs... kinda easy but it is tedious.. everyone kept talking cock at the back room.. atmpsphere was kinda relax..
On my way to Simei mrt station, met Jason and Jastria at long john silver. Chatted with them for a while... Jason offered me to drive me home.... Reach home faster a bit cause traffic was heavy.. will be going for his BIG day dinner at sat!
BB went to my house eat dinner with me... she's kinda feeling sick so acc her go to sees doc. Just some mild conditions only...
Went home online a while... time to play drift... uh oh.... i mean drift to sleep....
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:05 AM
-Monday, March 24, 2008
Went to the branch early.. saw my trainmate at there doing Q combing.. he trained with me last time when we were on training. Branch was a vry BUSY day.. the Q was long. My manager tell me i will have my own cash till and everything was solo for me for now.. stressed again... hiaz
HP SIM card was damaged... all the way offline. Anyone sms or call me, sorry about it. -;-"
Went to meet BB, Liang at Raffles place, we then proceed to cini again... Watch the movie call Hortan... dunno how to spell... Voice acting by my idol, jim Carrey, the Lame king, was quite a lame and touching show towards the end part.
Its shows dat even we live in different galaxy, the spirit of faith and determination never drys, just like pour down like water, flow though our soul....
After the movie, Liang drive the car himelf home -;-" . after that i take over and drive Huier, Elaine and BB home.
Tired again
Wake up ard 12, eat lunch and slack ard till evening.. took bus 27 from SK to tamp inter to meet liang, Godmum .Went to starhub shop to replace my sim card. Took 1 hour to activate the card... -;-" . Play arcade time crsis and my skills had deproved liao.. unable to complate the whole game.. sianz... Shop around till 9. Waited for apple to off work at levis. We went to Sweet talk bubble shop and buy bubble tea... Just know a new guy at oskely. we 5 cam whore quite a lot while drinking bubble tea. Slack till ard 11. Went seperate ways. Send apple to interchange as she lives in yishun and waited for 969. Went back home bus 291 and meet my fre, chong eng.... -;-" chatted with him a while....
Now at home.. tml another stress day again.... Everything will be fine again.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
Footprints left @
12:03 AM
-Saturday, March 22, 2008
Went to play pool with huier primary school fren call Jeremy. Its so conincside he is also liang primary school fren, but they both now dun know each other... lolx
After that went to saki shshi to eat with them... eat till wanna vomit liao.... lolx
We go to mustarfar to shop around... cam whore with liang again... took some lame pic.. uploaded just a few shots here... too lazy to upload many..... Took a pic with my BB. Its an extremely rare that she took pic with me.. lolx..
BB went to my house and slp ard 2am ba.... Sat need to report back to branch....
Will update on sat what will happen later....
-=][ Island closest to hell][=-
RED BIG boxing glove

Ancient China or Korea style? You decide :)
Hou Yuan Jia
Cowboy on the run.
Footprints left @
9:22 PM
-Friday, March 21, 2008
Went to work as per normal. Today the crowd was unusually less and peaceful.... but i kena got indian customer stating he wanna change his passport no, address, close cashline acc, close credit card, the outstanding rebate balance of his credit card... omg.. even my mentor was stunned....
Today we have meeting and its the same old borning stuff again.... meeting till 8, until i sit till my legs are numb le.
Meet Liang, spinz and BB at bugis junction. We drive to dessert shop at river valley to find our frens only to find out dat they are at the bugis dessert shop. Sianz 1/2 liao
Finally we make it to the bugis dessert shop, slack with them, order 1 black seamse paste while liang and spin order other things, i foot the bill. :)
Went back home ard 2 and slp.
Was a freaking tired day for me. Didnt sleep well last night due to nose block etc. Went to the branch tired, like a zombie. Everything was normal... help to do duty till 730pm, reach home ard 8.
BB's car was pass to liang for servicing, liang meet me downstairs below, we then drive to century square meet spinz and went to HANA. We are very late cause we lost our way there. They were already sharing their thoughts. After that, went to marredian there to eat anf slack, order 1 chicken chop and my BB order 1 xiao wan mian.
Went to BB home and overnight. Life seems more interesting during weekends and holidays.
-=][ Island closest to Heaven ][=-
Footprints left @
2:25 PM
-Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Went to the branch just in time. Perform counter transaction with my mentor beside me. Everything was normal and quiet for me.
Meet Godmum at TM for her 30 min break. Trying to ask me join Levis as her team member. Been considering it. After her break, went back home eat dinner. Meet liang 930 and Gogmum at my house coffee shop slack around. Went home ard 12 plus.
Bored. When can i break my same old rountine?
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:33 AM
-Monday, March 17, 2008
Today off day... went to Parkway wanna sing KTV but the kbox close down.... -;-. Went to have lunch at the parkway food court. Go shop around at parkway, a lot of nice things wanted to buy, but i resist tempation. In the end we went to teo heng sing till 4.
Went back to tampines find godmum. Godmum intro us her part timer 1 ger call apple. Another smoking freak and very rough. -;- . Went to eat dinner with them and we shop at tampines mall and century square. sees a blazer at sub shop very nice. A blazer with an China taste. Nice. Price tag also nice too. :(
Liang ride me home, slack a while then go back.
Tml need to work liao. Hope i can make it in my bank.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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11:20 PM
Went to the branch EARLY again. Today was a busy day at the branch..... Running up and down like nobody business. After business hours, helping some of them to do duty, got one important form missing and i help them to search high and low, climb to the counter and look upon it.... but due to my weight, i break the plastic cover at the counter... omg, (mind u, i only 67kg).
Went back home ard 3pm and sleep. Was very tired. Sleep till 8 and meet liang at Vivo. Went to cini leas to meet BB and her group of frens, play team fortress 2. Kinda lame huh... Play till 2am plus and i drive liang home and overnight at my BB house.
Wake up ard 12. Eat lunch and slack around. Went to my house 742 coffee shop ard 8 at night to meet liang.We drive to Basar Macdonald to meet Mei Fang. We then drive to Keppel Bay to have a chill out with frens, there is only accessible by car. when we reach the car park, all the car is make it de..... all the car so EX -;-" . Sees a AE86 on the car park and took a photo shot with it. Chill out till 11 then send Mei Fang home, then proceed to bugis pool junction to play pool till 1am plus. Before we end the pool session, got 1 gal meet her so wat call bf and left her things here, we waited outside the pool junction for almost half and hour for her, her bf really bai chi, dunno where is the road also, Car modify so fierce, do U turn also need to reverse back..... can really go eat sh*t and die ba, BB wanted to pass her the handbag when the car stopped, then the car suddenly accerlate and stop further away.... kns, make my BB run like hell, claiming wanna look for car park, feels like wacking the sh*t out of him....
Drive liang home and myself home -;-".
Tml is my off day.. hope can enjoy ba.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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2:31 AM
-Friday, March 14, 2008
Was MC today.... Slack whole day at the afternoon, evening went to my personal salon and highlight my fringe to Mag Red. Went to Tiong Barua with liang and spinz to attend my BB speech. Her speech was not bad.
Followed by, liang drive my BB's car to mount faber and with her group of frens.On the way, pass by some lovely atmposphere and romantic thingy. Wanted to take pic with my BB but my NK80 Cam is not good, couldnt take pictures at night clearly...hiaz. Smoke and chat with them till 1am plus..... Liang drive himself home while my BB drive me home >.< . BB send spinz home cause he's living at SK too.
Went to branch EARLY. Manager was kinda extra friendly to me... making me feels kinda nervous... my mentor was on off today, so i attached to a assistant manager at the counter... got pressure by her and tell me to write all the stuff down..... sianz.. early in the morning kena told off liao.
Went to lunch alone and as usual, went to the east point pet shop to took some pic at the pet.
Helping the stuff to do duty.... Rain was kinda friendly, she teach me very fast, till i couldnt almost cannot catch up. Michelle on the other hand likes to suan me, ask me do this, do dat... lolx... new mah.. lolx
Went back home eat dinner blog till now... dunno tonight where to go also....
Tml needa work.. sianz....
Life will be better!
-=][ island closest to hell ][=-
Taken a MT Faber

Taken at the shop...
Footprints left @
7:31 PM
-Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Didnt went to work today. Went to CGH to sees my eye as my appt date is today. Got a 2 days MC. My eye still haven improve a bit... The doctor NEED to get his head to check up on me!!!! Was told is some allergic reactions... i dunno... as long as can cure can liao.
went to my cousin shop and bought a 4 gig mem card and mod my PSP. Been raining heavily these 2 days.... Got caught in the rain while going home, whole body was wet.... hiaz...
Went to take a afternoon nap. Watch some TV etc etc...
Life is like mountains, with peaks and with valleys.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
Footprints left @
8:15 PM
Went to work late again... omg....
Today we are under staff, some more today is a coin processing day..... I never really at the counter today. Was helping my mentor at the entrace.
I was called to help to count coins. $1 worth of 2k coins need to be counted and put in a packet of $50 respectively. So in the end is 40 bags. I sealed up the bags all then to realise i forget to put my branch name.. omg!!!!! Reseal 40 packets of coins again... Sianz.... Learn more about duty stuff thingy today.
Was called to da bao for everybody in the branch... like office boy liao... hiaz...
Went to lunch late and after eating go east point pet shop walk around and took some pics.
After work meet liang at MRT, on the way down the esclator, met my fren Peng ho and jian. They went to shop for clothes while liang and me went to my house cause my mom cook dinner , needa go back eat.. lolx.
MRTed all the way to tiong baru meet spinz. Walk around before coming back home. Took a lame pic. I really got a lot of crazy lame idea how to take pic....
Tired now.. back to Hibern Mode....
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

Sees No Evil ; Hear No Evil ; Speaks No Evil
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1:30 AM
-Monday, March 10, 2008
Morning wake up and get to work... today my mentor was kinda strict to me.. cause i will be handling counter very soon le... o.0 . The stress is building up.......
Lunch at 1 o clock. Meet liang for lunch as today is his ORD date. Grat to him cause he always wanted to wake up NATURALLY and not force to wake up.. lolx. Went to the pet shop at east point looking for a dog. Wanted a dog, but parent dun allow.. sianz 1/2. It had been my dream since childhood....
Meet godmum after work at tampines mall. Smoke a few sticks then went home. Too late to go to my fren shop to buy my PSP mem card...
Nothing really intresting happen today.... wish life was more colourful.. just like jay's song cai hong.
kan bu jian ni de xiao, wo ze me shui de zao...
Do you remember the path where we met? Long long ago Long long ago.....
Footprints left @
9:55 PM
Went to meet liang and a group of frens at parkway parade. Accom my fren go take his I Pod. After that, we went to eat katong laska. My fren order 2 bowls for laska -;-"
Went to katong shopping center yet for another KTV session le... omg... so many KTV "tiu" for me... my voice gonna break sonner or later le....
Sing till 9pm, Liang ride me to tamp Safra while another branch of fren jio me played badminton till 1120 pm. Didnt play quite well as i'm not in a sporting attire. Went to coffee shop to have some catch up with them cause almost 3 weeks never seen them le. All of them are my 11 years of frens since sec 1. One is gonna get married soon. Congra Jason and Jastria. May u all have a blissful marriage. His ROM is gonna on 18 march, but i'm working.. duh!!!
Taken a pic with a cat...nothing to do while waiting for liang....
Been thinking i will settle down once i earn enough money and stablise my finacial first. Goals are too far for me to reach but anyway, everyday is one step closer to our goal.
Dats all for now ba....
Hope tml will be a good day... tml back to the branch working liao....
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

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1:51 AM
-Sunday, March 9, 2008
wake up late and miss spinz POP parade. Drive to liang house and meet him around 1230. We bought the same cap and wear hipster style today. Met godmum at bugis and drove to maxwell market to eat.After that i drove to marina and play some conering.Lol.
Drive to chinatown OG meet seng at the taxi stand. went to lavender golden mile complex to eat steambox. Godmum order 1 whole chicken and a lot of thingy. Despite me around, we couldnt finish the whole food!!
We then proceed to shenton way ktv and sing till 1am. went back home and tired. Shall blog till now...
-=][ island closest to heaven ][=-
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3:04 PM
-Saturday, March 8, 2008
Went back to the branch as usual.. kinda not used to it. Heavier responsibilties and stress. Hope everything turns out well in the future for me in my job.
Went to buy slim psp from my fren. He's working in a game shop for many years. Purchase at 240 standard set. The colour is Felicia Blue. Will be uploading jay's mtv inside liao.
Later going spins POP parade. Gonna wake up at 630am which means 4 hours later.
Hope i can have a good weekend tml.
No matter how gifted you are, you alone cant change the world, but thats the beauty of it.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

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2:43 AM
-Friday, March 7, 2008
Went training... today is the last day of training le.
Today i'm the joker of the day. At the 1st day of training, each of us everyone had to write what we would expect out of the course. I wrote: To be flawless at the counter.
Today the trainer ask us wheather the course had live to the expection, then when it is me to explain, i told the trainer i would not slepp during the counter. the whole class laugh at me. Following that, the trainer told us to write 3 aspiration things after the training what we will do when we are back at the branch. I wrote: nv slp in counter, nv late, be alert.
After we hand back the cards back to the trainer, the trainer sabo me 1st by taking a card and encouraging the person what she wrote on the card.. kinda funny. Sabo.
After this, the trainer brief us on survery which is very bored so as usual, i fallen asleep!!!! Got caught by the WHOLE class... omg... As i was sleeping, the trainer ask me a question which i couldnt answer, so the trainer give me a chance saying, i can ask any one person in the class, if its correct, i will be fine, if not i cant graduate. guess what? I ask the trainer and the whole class burst out laughing again.
After that, The AOM (big shot) came and present our cert to us. Kinda happy as today the joke was on me. I very Fang Jian hor... lolx All these while, if ya been reading my blog, is the same old rountine without anything happening.
Took some whole class photos, waiting for them to add me in msn to send me the photos.
Tml will be back to branch and back to reality. Miss the training.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

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1:30 AM
-Thursday, March 6, 2008
Went training but late... the trainer called my manager!! Think i gonna get a grinding back to the branch.
Went vivo city with liang and panda watch "di yi jie". A horrible ghost show, i dun like to watch ghost show. as it is a gala premiere, we met fiona xie, chen yi jian, etc etc.
Buy 3 tops and a cap at top shop and pull and bear. Wanted to purchase a blazer at river island but hold back tempation.. lolx.
hope tml will be a better day
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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2:09 AM
-Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Went training as usual. Went back to raffles to take my spec, then went to enous to do fringe rebounding. Meet liang and went to bugis to shop ard. Bought a blazer, went to shenton ktv and sing again. o.0
Reach home ard 2.. tired..
Training as ususal.. nothing special. Went enous meet liang and proceed to city hall, raffles city, city link area walk. Bought 2 tops again.. must resists my spending. Thought i met someone v fimiliar but nvm.
Time to call it a day.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:53 AM
-Monday, March 3, 2008
Went to meet liang and gogmum for steamboat at lavaender... then walk to bugis for swensens earthquake. Meet another group of frens at cini and went to play dota. Slack AGAIN at crown prince hotel swensens eating ice-cream again. Reach home at 5 and slp.
Woke up at 12.. slack. Went CP meet my fren. Walk the whole CP including the basement. Slack and just rech home. Nothing much.
-=][ sland cosest to he ][=-
One of the cherry got eaten up by godmum. lol.

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12:04 AM
-Saturday, March 1, 2008
After training, went to my dad's bro funeral till ard 10pm. Was walking around the thingy. Grandmom was quite emo. Went back home slack and slp.
Wake up early in the morning send my uncle last journey. Journey to the memrotuim or watever. My grandmom couldnt send him off as the tradition elder cant send junior. She broke down in tears....I kept my cool on the outside but inside feels like..... hiaz..
Dats all for now.. later think going to meet liang again. will update later what goes on after this moment.
-=][ Island Closest to Hell ][=-
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3:10 PM