-Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Work was normal, but kinda busy today...
Leya met me after her work to pass her cheque for the batam trip.
Nothing really happening recently, all was too routine.
Some intersting fact while working inside the bank... heard 1 customer talk to his fren : "Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money."
Think if i'm not wrong, its from Warren Buffet one of his quotes.. i dunno la... anyone can verify for me will be good :)
Since its man who created money, then its so funny that money is controlling most man now. Most people are controlled by money.. hee hee... lame rite?
Countdown begins for an interesting trip begans....
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:19 AM
-Monday, April 28, 2008
Today balance my cash exceed 10 sgd..i dunno whats going on inside me.. hiaz... close 1 investment and 1 RP.
Meet BB and have dinner at 18th chef... just directly very beside my work place.. haha.
Took a few pic with dogs at the pet shop outside....

Dog with evil Eyes..

Counting down to batam trip.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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11:04 PM
After work, went back home rest a while. Evening seng called me that he arriving at raffles while i'm still at tampines MRT station. Meet liang on the way going to raffles at enous station. After we arrive at UOB plaze, found out that ah seng arrived at the wrong place.. LOL. We waited for him then talk cock a while before going to TCC cafe.
when we arrive there, its PSP time... although i no mood to play PSP, liang and seng played their PSP again.. sianz 1/2. But there is 1 idiot who make me on fire. His words does not make ppl hot, but the way he project and tone his words is really another story. %#$%#$%#. Called me xiao liang... i was like wtf... everyone call me liang ge..., Yea, i dun know him well enough, call me a giraffle... kns, heng i'm quick enough to counter him back. Then he tell me he is "hao she long" ... i was really pissed but yet entertaining to suan him... LOL, i know i very bad.
After that, we went to KTV, knn, he choose a song took 10 mins, wtf man, somemore he came to us and PK songs. LOL, luckily, my bro ah seng sing "wu yuan de jie jue" pk him back and he was trashed like a rubbish bin.
All lots of rubbish i wanna talk but i too lazy to type all la.... kns.
After the KTV, went to supper, talk cock a while there.. liang, seng and kennenth was busy entertaining themselves... LOLX.
Went to BB house, bathe and collpase.
Went to BB's brother gf mum (lol kinda long huh) house for house warming, their buffest was vegterian
We then went to vivo city to shop for a while, bought 2 new tops to combo each other on our batam trip.. dun tell u what is it, u guys all can found out at batam.
Went to pasir ris meet BB fren Ai ling to pass her things then we went to the down town east shopping center, its was like wow, so very different from the last time, there have a new cathey cinimea.. lolx.. looks kinda grand compared to last time.
Next time will ask them to come here and chill out, somemore, i got home advantage... LOL, i very bad again. >.<
Thats all ba, oh yea, i came to realise one thing today.
Your mood is determine by what capture your focus.
its so true man....if someone is poor and he is always focus on his provety, his mood will be bad.
hahaha dun wish to go deeper into details.
Looking forward to batam trip ba.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:43 AM
-Thursday, April 24, 2008
Today is a coin day... as usual... a normal day..
DAy ends normally, and i realise i couldnt balance my cash till cause i short of one 50 sgd bill. Hiaz.. need to write report etc etc... fuckin sianz.
Do some audit checking today and went back home ard 9plus. Feeling dizzy and headache. My BB is talking lesson today, think she can do well ba, have confidence in her.
dats all, a lousy fug tub day for me. feeling so sick...
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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10:15 PM
Today wake up go changi general hospital check up my eyes.. from 9am wait till almost 1am. sianz. I sees the doc like 10 mins only lor.. tell me the same thing again.. what allergic or wat.. blah blah.. in the end give me the same medication.
Went to east point bank or rather my workplace to deposit 600 bucks for my trip... planning to get a cashier order for my batam trip.....
Meet BB, Caren and Len at Mr bean cafe... talk with us about work etc etc. Lots of things are happening and i look upon whats gonna happen next*... hee hee
Do i really make an impact on other's people life or change their mental? If yes, lol, i also dun know how i do it also. Just be who you are and have confidence in yourself can le. The more u gonna wish for something, the more harder its gonna get, cause wishing only exists in fairy tales. You are not gonna wish for it, u gonna work hard for it!
Thats all ba, back to my coin day tml.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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1:58 AM
-Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Today thought i went early for work... but in the end, late 1 hour for work... hiaz.. i could not get inside the bus... all the bus was so crowd like never b4... maybe today is a raining day ba.
After work, went to training with siti, talk rubbish with her all the way and as usual, fallen asleep at the training.
Went to Hana find my BB. Listen to the lesson, at least this one i never really sleep. lolx. Went to dunno what HK style cafe shop to eat then drive myself home. A day ends... tml going to CGH again to sees my doctor yeys medical appointment.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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1:03 AM
-Sunday, April 20, 2008
finally its a sunday.... a day without work and hertics of fast pace enviroment.
Been resting for these few days not to blog so much liao... sorry to everyone who wanted to sees my updates..
Sometimes, when we cant archieve the result we want, we work even more harder... dats the most people will do.. for example.. coming earlier for work and off work later, ppleasing the boss, work evn longer hours... they tried to work harder and yet they dun know their first apporach is already wrong.... can u solve a problem with a wrong soloution by working harder? People dun tend to dare to take a different apporach to things in life. Many just simply think that by working MORE Hrder, THEY WILL ARCHIVE WHAT THEY WANT. without realising their apporach is already wrong...
dats y i wanna blog for now ba... c ya..
-=][ Island closest to heaven ][=-
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5:20 PM
-Tuesday, April 15, 2008
An average day at the branch. Nothing new happening.
As each day passes by , all my blog seems so rountine, so dead... which means my life is too rountine, which is equal to Singapore Rat race.... i kept thinking on how am i gonna get the hell out of the rat race. Everyday went home, online, think on how to blog... everything seems so still, so stangant, just like a perfect moquito breeding groud. Will rest for this few days and not to blog.
I just want to be free and soar the air like an eagle...
-=][ A light that never fades ... ][=-
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8:25 PM
-Monday, April 14, 2008
Meet liang and seng at far east buy shoes. Seng bought a pair of shoes and went to meet his ricko. Me and liang go meet my BB and her group of frens for movie and chill out. We went to order waffle and omg... long time i had such a delicious waffle. Bought a movie ticket call " Run pap run" by Gu Tian le.
Meet seng, len and xiu mei at SK coffee shop. Talk for a while and seng need to leave cause he need to book in. Me and BB went to airport to walk and go to swensens to order ice cream again and food again.. LOL.
Went to T2 viewing mall to sees some planes. It was quiet and errie in T2 viewling mall, not a single soul around. We took some shadow pics.
Everything was normal till i got abused by 1 customer cause of my height, he says i'm intmiding him .. lolx.. he shorter than me mah..cannot help it.. but i also guai lan, stare at him while STILL standing up. LOLX, he also LL.
Oh yeah, i finally got my name tag on it!!! I'm not a trainee anymore le!!!!!
With my name, i feels more stresed. hiaz
3 days never blog, feels so kinda sian.. dun wish to type so long. Here are just a fraction of the pic we took...
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-

My name proudly on the name tag!
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9:45 PM
-Saturday, April 12, 2008
Another normal day at the branch. My Mentor today MC.
Went home slack and sleep. Miss ah seng called.He wanted to jio me go KTV but in the end too late le. Meet my BB at cini. Waited for her frens to buy movie ticket, but we go Hong king xing wang and eat... but 2 of our food item waited so long, so we cancel the order. >.<
Went home and sleep. tml anoher meeting.
My blog is getting more tasteless, and i now that.. i dunno why also.. hiaz
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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2:17 AM
-Thursday, April 10, 2008
Went to the branch kinda sick.. yester taken the flu pils went back and feels so steam and tired. Face was a pale.
Morning and afternoon was slow like a snail. Entertain some customer also. Michelle pm me despite sitting beside me.. very funny.
My cash till exceed $2 and i deposit the extra $2 to her account back.. hiaz. Day end balancing was long and tired.
BB called me and wanted to talk some "sense" or rather ubbish to me... hear liao like no mood to go... after work, still wanna hear her talk rubbish.
Tml my mentor coming back liao. Ho ho ho.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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11:02 PM
My Mentor today off.. was kinda stranded alone at the counter... hiaz. Today was kinda a slack day at the bank. Bank was quiet... was able to go home early today.
Went TM find godmum for a smoke break then went home and sleep a while. Meet my godsis and liang and went to TM AGAIN to shop... my sis bought a pair of charles and keith shoes. After that, we went to BK and eat my dinner. lol
Liang kinda lame... keep talking about his study topics... making me feels like sleeping. Really wanted to go back to the time to the studies where everything was so care free and free of trouble.
Long time never meet my BB. Wonder how is she doing now... miss her damn lots.
Tml another COIN day at the bank. Sianz.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:30 AM
-Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Went to work just early in time. Today was a coin day.... feeling kinda low morale. Got lots of coins deposit... hiaz.. dunno why so many ppl saves so many coins for what sia... lolx
Day end balancing was hard and tedious. I need to send all the coin for batching and sent to the vault. When balancing my cash till, omg, i exceeded 0.05 cents!!!! I had to recount all the 5 cents that i send to the vault!!!! Luckily for me, the vault was short of 0.05 cents and i immediately replace it, so in the end manage to balance.
Help to do some duty stuffs and joke ard with my mentor and my college michelle.On my way to simei MRT , met my long lost camp mate David... his 2 black mole had dissappear!!! haha. Do some catch up with him and went home
Sleep for 1 hour b4 coming online. Tml another day....
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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10:02 PM
-Monday, April 7, 2008
Went to work early today.
Was kinda an average day for me. Doing some stupid mistakes at the counter again as usual.Got 1 customer wanna deposit 2k but i counted his cash as 1990, he dun believe me, then my manager counts for me...in the end customer lan lan need to fork out 90 dollars .. lolx.
Day end do duty with michelle and my mentor.. talk cock with them for a while doing duty. Went back tamp meet liang and god mum for smoking.
Now at home blog... tml another rat race again.... sianz
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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9:26 PM
Went to the branch for meeting.. Arrive at 720... i become the manager witness to open the door... lolx... Meeting was a short and quick one.
There are some diffcult transunction which i still dun know what to do... need to pass it to the other staff... hiaz. Went back home ard 5 and slept.
Go bedok 85 meet all my ORD camp mates.. been 2 years since i last met them. A lot of catch up to do. After that, BB came and i drive to her house.
Wake up 2 plus. Slack in the afternoon. Meet Seng his house downstairs to pass his business kit. His parent drive him to vivo. We drive to hana to slack a while. Then we proceed to hana. I ordered a food. Then seng called me ask me smoke with him upstairs >.< Then seng go back to the cafe and talk cock with them for a while, then i accompany to espirit to buy his bag. Then the time is so zhun.. ah seng need to leave vivo, then liang arrive. We proceed to the cafe to eat my food, it had turn cold le.. hiaz..
Then we went to keppel bay to slack... the fu[kin waiter like look down on us... attitdude very guai lan.. but heck....
Went back home now blog.. tml needa work again.. hiaz.. sad.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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1:19 AM
-Saturday, April 5, 2008
Wow a few days never sees me blog, miss my blogging a not? lolx... kekeke i just cut it short and stop my lameness... hee hee
Went to the branch as usual. It was a coin day. Blah blah blah everything was normal.
Didnt know really well what happen on thurs actuallys... maybe i slp early ba....
Went to the branch early again. Today was kinda a slacking period for me... cause the Q was short and quiet. There was this customer who deposited 1260 dollars but i counted hercash for 1262.... in the end i return her $2
At day end balancing, i was SHORT of 2 SGD. But i tell myself its impossible cause i counted and manage to balance. My 2nd witness cannot balance the cash. Was feeling kinda stress and emo. My mentor the 3rd witness counted my cash again and found out that my 2 sgd bill was stuck in between the 50's and 100's bills... omg... so i managed to balance at the end.
Meet BB at nite and we went to shopping. I took some cam whore pic while shopping. Just want to make it short and sweet for today blog.
Will update SAT what will happen later.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
Hou Yuan Jia

Acting cute

Just dyed my hair

Hair had grown longer from my upper pic in just.. heermm 1 min?

Huang Jing Jia
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10:06 PM
-Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Went to branch early today. Michelle last min MC 2 days. Today was short handed. Morning got a lot of customer having hard transuction. Was kinda confused today.
Went to have a short lunch today. After lunch come back, its war again. from 12 war till 5. Had a hard time today. Tml will be worse cause its a coin day.
Do duty and all those paper work stuff till ard 7plus. Meet liang and godmum at Tampines Mall. Was kinda surprised to sees my old camp mate smoking alone. Catch up with him for a while.
Was very tired and blurry, went back home bathe and blog.
Miss my BB.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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10:18 PM
Went to my branch late. Was quite unexpected cause today i purposely went earlier in the end become late, why? Because of our goverment so wat call proclaimed "efficient public transport" system. The goverment offered to offer rebate for cars? Far from it man. Might as well tax more as they are very well versed in this.
Today alone at the counter. At the morning face some diffcult transuaction by the customers. What Fix deposit blah blah, some more today is a coin day. Need to take coins. My lunch had been adjusted half and hour from now.
Smoke 5 sticks only the whole day... no chance to smoke.. too busy at the branch le. End day do duty, i this month got duty liao. Siti help me do most of the stuff. must really thanks her a lot.
Went home online wanna d/l PH photo from the J wedding but cant due to my net work connection. Damn it.
Went meet liang, kobe and godmum outside my house 742 coffee shop to chat, was very steam and tired.
Went home bathe and blog a while ba.
Taken a flu pills which will make me drowsy, hope tonight i can sleep better.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:19 AM