-Thursday, May 29, 2008
today wake up eyes red and swollen. Went to parklane with grandmother to sees the eye specilist. MC for 2 days.. hiaz.
Went back home and sleep till 7 ba. Think later goining meet Liang to go hana.
Last but not least, just wanna thx ZW and H'E for talking OPP with seng. They made such a big effort to help me. Thx.
An invincible Sword is useless without a good swordmanship.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-
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9:05 PM
-Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Coin day as again... count coins again.. sianz.
Went back home quite late cause need to do telecall for MSA. Haven even do finish the list yet... hiaz.
Went back home late to have a late dinner or rather supper. Think today BB bring PeiShan go class ba, hope she can take care of her. Hee hee, cause i dun know how mah.
Short and Simple.
Life is like a game of chess, after a game, the King and the pawn goes to the same box.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-
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10:32 PM
-Monday, May 26, 2008
SaT (
Wake up and meet BB. BB drives to my house below. Went to Kovan to eat Xin Wang. After eating, went to jalan kayu meet Seng and liang. Talk cock with them at there and at ah seng house downstairs before going BB house.
Sun 25/5/08LY come to BB house and meet us, was kinda surprise. We went to Taka to eat japanese food. I was defeated by just one bowl of chicken don.. omg. We were eating dessert when Xin yi make her way down to join us for dinner.. hee hee. We ordered a lot to eat.. eat till very full and bloated.... i can be bloated, its ok.. makes no diff as i'm thin.. haha. I shell'nt talk abt the bill cause i foot de... was kinda surprised *a bit* by the price... lolx.
We then proceed to Orchard Zara to shop, and i bought a jacket which i aim since 2 months ago. lolx. Had a conflict with BB about the vochers cause cannot e combined but nvm, everything solved easily.
Went back tamp to eat ice-kachang dessert.... ops did i says eat again? Yeah!!! We are eating again... lolx. Eat till even fuller then i drive myself home. BB went up with me to take a few shots for the jacket.
Another Monday Blues for me. Sianz.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-

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12:28 AM
-Saturday, May 24, 2008
Eyes RED again... hiaz. Think my eys this few moths condition still the same.. sad.
Went to the branch as normal... manager was quite please as our branch top the whole Singapore for investment.. considering its only a small branch at Eastpoint. The manager thanks us for our team work.... i begin to think about our teams...
When one of us in a group improves, things get better.
When two of us in a group improves, it would make a GREAT difference.
When all of us improves, the world gets closer togther.
Blog till now ba.. shall sees what happen later at nite at 7-9 or later cause i need to sleep again... lol* oops*.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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4:38 PM
-Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Went to work and everything was normal. Was counsel by the manager again for a while while teaching me some FD transuntions.
Went to have an early lunch today. Everything is normal. Today our branch had a meeting and drag till 830pm.
After meeting, one of my college Michelle ask me to search some chinese newspaper about the obtiurny page. Dun know how to spell the word. One of her friend had passed away. She dun even know till a few days later...
If ya loves one passed away, had it come across your mind when is the last time you spoke to her, when is the last time u met her? All those thoughts just flashed thru my mind in an instant.
I believe the China quake had many sufferings, lost of loves ones, some dun even had a good chance to talk with their loves one when the tradgey strucks...
Treasure your loves one well before its too late to regret. Life is fragile.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-
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11:01 PM
-Monday, May 19, 2008
SaT 17/05/08After work, went to road show ... hiaz.. kena sabo. Went to Tampines Centeral POSB for road show selling investment and insurance to the masses. Talk to a few customer but all is think about it first. Unable to close any investment or insurance.
During the dying last 15 min of the road show, managed to close 1 investment... at least did not bring an egg back home.. hee hee. After road show went back home and sleep le.. hahaha
Seng called me during my sleep... *oops* telling me he and liang at bugis. I told them to meet the group first. After dat, i carried on my sleep again.. *oops X2*.
Wake up and MRTed all the way to Bugis pool junction to meet them. Seng went to club with his frens, while liang join me. We got a party at the bugis junction. Everything was normal, chilling out and singing KTV, play games like the 4 in a row and mastermind. Lol, me and LY team VS Liang and Eline in mastermind. Liang managed to guess correct on the 6th attempt while me and LY managed to correct on the 4th attempt. Nice tag team yea.
Happy birthday to Min Hui too. Hope she enjoyed herself at her party.
Drive Elaine, LY, Lorren back home.
Not really tired but BB is tired cause i sleep at the evening.. oops X3***
Sunday 18/5/2008Went to orchard with BB. We go eat sushi at the cini level 4 there.. took a few pic over there. After our dinner, we head over to Far East to shop, Bought a half jacket/ Half vest for BB. The design was quite stylish. After dat we proceed to orchard Zara to bought a dress for BB. Met chanel at there working.. lolx. Seng come and meet us at Zara. After walking around a few street, was quite tired.
We suggested go party world KTV. BB, seng and me went to sing KTV with liang joining us 30 mins later, i sees Seng and Liang sing till emo and sang their hearts out, was quite a rare sight, finally, sing superwoman, ah seng LOL till stomach, i also dunno y.. hee hee, sing till 3 plus, our last song is qiu fou. haha.
Send liang and seng home, this time i and BB really tired.
Monday 19/5/2008 Happy Vesak Day to all people!!!! Its a public holiday!
BB and me went to vivo city and meet Seng, Seng bought a new fren call Pei Shan and so zhun, she's also a tarus. OMG, why i know so many tarus in my life, all is chiong againist me de. lolx.
Shop around again.. hee hee, but feels kinda sad cause my Zara JAcket was gonex. No more stock, a bit sad. Went to Long John Silver to eat and so zhun, Seng saw his fren. He become very emo, i also dun know how to console him.
Send Pei Shan to China Town OG to meet her fren and drop Seng at tamp inter. BB and me meet our sec sch fren to celebrate one of my fren bday. Was quite lame de.. hee hee.
Happy Birthday CR.
Tml, need to work again, back to reality.
Some of the pic taken with BB.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-

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10:52 PM
-Friday, May 16, 2008
Thurs 15/5/08Today is my college wedding dinner Derek. After the whole day working at the branch, its 7pm le. I need to meet my college Michelle on the clark quay MRT control station at 745 and coming o think of dat, i going home from eastpoint at 7... omg.
Went back home, bathe and style my self up a bit. Meet Michelle 820 liao... very late le... lolx. Went to the dinner, the table is all my college and some from tampines branch. All talk about work, i very sianz. Look like there is nothing to talk about execpt work... hiaz.
Dinner was ok. Stage MC is Edward which is also my college. Was saboed by him to yam seng on the stage to the groom. All our male college also kena cause he only knows our name? lolx. Lame.
Dinner ends ard 1130 went back home with Vincent, kinda tired. Talk a bit of cock all the way.
Today 16/5/08 Everything was normal.... been reading the news about the China Earthquake, its quite a sad story. The photography who went there to take photos who only take 1 shot, threw away his camera and help the victimes because the scene u sees, u could not just stand there and watch, the cries of pain and suffering. Its really an island closest to hell. One of the motivating speech by the Prime Minster Wen: Te Quake can shken the mountains, but not our determinations. "
In life, sometimes when we met some set back, we would give up or grumble affecting our mood and determination, but what setback can be compared to the Quake which is now an island closest to hell? I believe during the darkest hour in life, there will be a light to guide you, be it is a small dim light.
So lets ur gives our respect to the rescue teams from China and other part of the countries,thry risk their lifes to saves those people.China Prime Minister Wen personally went down to the scene and gives help. And others who had help in one way or the others. Our deepes conso who had lost their family members....
No matter what happen, the Earth still rotates around the sun.
The quake can move mountains and seas, but not our determination!
-=][ Island closest to hell][=-
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9:32 PM
-Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Today is a coin day and a busy day. Not in a joyful mood today. Everyday i need to do the paperwork until so late. I cant even had the space to breath.
I dun care about so much, work until so late no one even understands, watever is it i try to stay cool always. I wont go blog about how am i being abused or eaten at work since i'm the junior one. Since i have already choosen this job, i have no right to complain about it.
When in the valley of mountains and clouds above the mountains in life, i cant even have the most bottom and or the highest. I'm just a lukewarm which will be vommited out by Him according to the words of Bible. Is it? I dun know, too long never go back there le.
I understood why woman live longer than man... cause there was such a long time long ago traditional explanination that woman tend to let their feeling out more than man so they live longer... i realise this is quite true.
Face smiling with a harsh reality inside me.
Come to know 1 thing today
Silent is Golden; Patient is Diamond. Dats y i think i wont live long le.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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9:17 PM
-Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sleep at 4am before going to work in sat at 7am.. just 3 hours of sleep, i wonder how an i going to dong such a long day. Work, D&D, Party... hiaz..
Morning wake up, stri away go eat double X. To enchance my energy cause i need to "dong" all day and whole night today and i slep for 3 hours only!
Work was normal for me. Everyone was trying to rush go back home to attend dinner and dance. My manager dance in front of me which is a very rare sight. lol.
Went back home immediately and bathe and went to seng house. Went to Compass point pick him up and stri away to style my hair. I then took a cab down to the dinner and dance party by the dbs. The stupid suntec was jammed.. hiaz
Dinner was quite boring and lame. I went out to smoke and on my way saw DBS chairman taking photos. As a softcore cam whore, i couldnt miss this chances, i immeditealy make my way to ask for taking photos with him. Not everyone had a chance to take photos with him.... lolx. Was kinda heng.
After dinner, i go collect all the clappers to clap for the bday party. Meet they all at orchard party world ktv. Sang a few songs only cause too many people le.. lolx. Took some photos with seng and BB they all. Hope seng enjoyed his bday party this year ba! =) and not forget my BB too! ;X
After ktv, went to BB house and sleep liao le. Too tired man. Nearly 48 hours of action with just 3 hours of slp... haha.
Photo Taken with DBS Chairman ; Mr Koh

Table Photo =)
Sat 10/5/08When the snow was pouring down like water ; everything was frozen execpt the heart which drives its passion.
-=][ Island Closest to hell ][=-
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5:16 PM
-Thursday, May 8, 2008
just some of the batam trips pic... too lazy to upload all... just upload some cause gonna sleep liao la!!!!! and too lazy to type my caption in... cause i belive a picture tells a thousand words.

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1:21 AM
-Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Today was a busy day. Hope i makes a difference in people lives everyday.
Today is short and simple. Too lazy to type.
-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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12:06 AM
-Friday, May 2, 2008
Past Few days
Went to seng house to help style my fren 1st.. he needs to get a feel for my hair to style for my upcoming dinner and dance.
Everything was normal... Thursday went to vivo city meet loiang to shop around. He could not decide which slipper he wanna buy at new urban male cause of the promotion.
We then go to Len offfice hear him brief a while then he play majong with liang they allz....
Went back BB home and collpase cause later which is now need to wake up early.
Going to batam trip now. The ship ticket is at 2 pm. Wont be bloggin for this 2 days ba.
I loves her but the history is stopping us.
Dun remeber the past few days and too lazy to recap and type...
Gold Cart here we go!

-=][ Island closest to hell ][=-
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10:54 AM